Banish your Imposter Syndrome to the path less travelled


Joanne Hobbins is choosing to challenge her inner critical voice and rewrite her internal script.

I last wrote an article on Imposter Syndrome in April 2021. I spoke then about how I wished it would become a more accepted term.

Since then I can safely say that the world has moved on somewhat, and many more people are familiar with the term, and use Imposter Syndrome as a descriptor of how they are feeling.

I use it as part of my own vocabulary as a colloquialism - “I’m having an attack of the Imposters” - when I’m about to do a new presentation to a new audience.  And those hearing me can empathise with how that feels.

Is it something that resonates with you?  Do you have that inner voice telling you you aren’t good enough, or that any minute someone is going to find out you got to where you are as a fluke?  I’ve given my inner critical voice much more airtime than is healthy over previous years, and I’m only now realising it. My default thought response was that of being not good enough.  I am now trying to write a new internal script, and create a new pathway for my thoughts.  But, like trying to cut a new path through the forest, it’s going to take time and effort to get there, inch by inch. 

If you want to take a new pathway, start by recognising the Imposter narrative that goes on in your mind.  Reframe it and remind yourself that, just because you think it, doesn’t make it true.  Then replace it with a narrative that is more positive and affirming – base it on recent experience to the contrary.  I appreciate this sounds easy enough, but it takes time to change our narrative, one small step at a time.

I break this down into more detail in our training sessions, with helpful steps to get you there.  I’m running a FREE taster session on 7th March, and if would like to find out more, click here to book your place:

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