Power Skills

Essential skills modules designed to enable your people to thrive

Our suite of Power Skills is designed to bring out the best in your people, giving them the skills and confidence needed in today’s world. Suitable for managers, leaders and anyone wanting to further their career, these skills are all about working with people and are not necessarily role specific.

Whether it’s resolving conflict or understanding your own emotions and those of people around you, we have a Power Skills course suitable for you.

ProAction HR Power Skills

Did you know the UK is estimated to have more than 2 million ‘accidental managers’?  These are people that do a great functional job and then are promoted into a management / leadership role.  We fail to recognise that this is now a completely new skillset, and the new manager is often left to sink or swim.  This can result in low employee engagement, low morale, high turnover and lost productivity. Put bluntly, this is estimated to cost the UK economy up to £84 billion a year. 

It’s not only managers that need these skills however; anyone that works with other people will benefit from attending one of our highly engaging and interactive Power Skills sessions.

Our Power Skills courses are designed to be stand-alone modules that can be delivered in person or virtually. They typically last 2 – 6 hours, depending on the topic, and you can choose to attend just one session, or to create your own programme by combining the modules that meet your needs.

You can join a public module as an individual, or if you have sufficient numbers, we can deliver training in-house for your organisation. If you choose our in-house option, we will always collaborate with you to ensure any of your core values and themes are addressed.

Our Power Skills

  • You have conversations every day, why not learn to make them more effective and powerful with the use of questioning and listening?

  • Learn to prioritise and make the most of your time to boost your productivity.

  • Understanding your emotional response to events can help you manage those emotions, and learn to manage relationships with those around you.

  • Learn how to communicate with purpose and impact, to improve relationships and connections.

  • Practical tools to help you understand root causes and to make effective decisions.

  • More than ever we need to learn how to work together, even when we are apart. This practical and engaging session will give learners the tools ands skills for positive thinking, innovation and problem-solving.

  • Conflict can be (and often is) the catalyst for change. However, when not managed carefully, it can also be very disruptive. Learn how to leverage conflict for positive outcomes and to manage it so it doesn’t become detrimental.

  • There’s probably a conversation you need to have that you’re putting off right now. Learn how to minimise risk and maximise results in this highly interactive and practical session.

  • What do people say about you when you are not in the room and why is that important? We look at your brand from the way you ‘show up’ to how you write your out of office.

  • Learn to create a workplace where everyone belongs and can bring their true selves to work. When people don’t have to worry about wearing a façade, they are free to do their best work.

  • Create some career and personal goals and plan for your future success.

  • This session looks at overcoming Imposter Syndrome and building your personal resilience. You will leave with strategies to boost your confidence and to be your best self.

Book a Discovery Call with us to find out

more about our Power Skills

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Management Development

Developing You, Developing Your People, Developing The Future.
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Flexible 1-2-1 options for positive change. Coaching allows your people to unlock their potential to maximise their performance for the benefit of all. Coaching supports an individual at every level in becoming who they want to be. It ultimately builds awareness, empowers choice and leads to change.


Recognising and embracing neurodiversity in today’s workplace creates an inclusive & diverse culture for business success. This enables individuals to perform at their best at work whatever their neuro processing needs.

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